If you work in an industry that requires you to constantly communicate with clients on the phone, making sure that all the equipment you use are properly maintained can do wonders in minimizing your concerns throughout every work day. For example, by not downloading unnecessary files into your desktop computer, you make it less prone to harmful, work-derailing viruses. The vital thing to remember is that smart work practices can make office life less problematic.
One of the smart office practices that you should definitely implement is proper care and maintenance of your office headset since you use it every day. You cannot go around borrowing other people’s headsets and bothering them if you want to do your job well, so it’s imperative that you do everything to maintain its working quality. It’s important to remember as well that headsets are not cheap so you are required to use them properly, clean them and store them safely so you can use them for a long time. To help you do all these things, here are some useful tips.
As much as possible, do not share your headset with other office employees. This is not only for sanitary purposes, but also for maintaining the working quality of the gadget. Other people can have different “ways” of using things – they may not be as careful as you are and if the headset assigned to you breaks because it’s been passed around so much, you’ll be responsible for it.
Disinfect or sanitize the headsets properly. Use recommended cleaners by the manufacturers to get rid of dust, oil and other build-up and stay away from alcohol-based cleaners because they can dry cords and ear bud cushions.
Do replace accessories such as ear cushions, foam mic screens, voice tubes, and silicone ear tips. Doing this bit can ensure the ideal working quality of the gadget for a long time.
Always store the headset properly if you’re done using it. Keep it out of harm’s way and minimize its contact with other objects that can deform and break it. If you still have the case the headset came with, you can use it for storage especially if you will not be using the headset for several days, or you can purchase one of those headset rests that you can just place on your work table and hang the gadget on.
Lastly, when you’re done using the headset, be sure to unplug the cord and to do it correctly; don’t just pull the cord out of the socket. Instead, pull it out by holding on to the solid part of the plug. Do not coil the cord as well because it stresses out the wires that transmit the sound which naturally results in compromised sound quality.
Author: Bob Josward is an IT specialist by profession and a content creator by passion. He is much drawn to technology and is a tech savvy. With his interest on the effects of technology in the business industry, he often spends time reading and researching about gadgets, its advantages and disadvantages, for different kinds of businesses. He uses his love and passion for writing as a medium in effectively delivering his message for other readers and bloggers out there who share the same interest as his. http://www.simplyheadsets.com.au/ is one of his resources.
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