What i do Before visiting colleges ?

Are you visiting colleges soon and you want to make a good impression but not appear overly dressy or out of place. You wants to know what are prospective students expected to wear while visiting and touring the campus of a university?
here are some ideas may help you
1. You can wear kahki pants or jeans with a dress shirt or casual shirt.
its kind a cold out for a skirt. Nobody wears anything too fancy, so jeans/kahkis should work. You don't want to stick out like a sore thumb either, so try and keep it simple.
2. If you don't wants to wear jeans and mini skirt then you can wear "shalwar" jumper with "dopatta".university is not a ramp. keep in mind represent the culture of your Country always !
3. Do not show stylish yourself with artificial things because the real confidence is in your simplicity which shows your character.
4. Nobody can be impressed by only dress beside the dress behavior and way of speaking and walking is necessary too and i think simplicity is prefect.


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